Friday, December 17, 2010

Brizzy, The Commercial Rubbish Removals Dream Team!

You've probably seen a Brizzy Rubbish Removals truck hauling rubbish from a house near you – but because we're the masters of the tricky pick up, we're Brisbane's favourite commercial rubbish removal business too – and we love a good commercial pick up!

Over the years we've hauled away some of Brisbane's strangest rubbish – and we've had our share of funny looks! But it's not all bad, in fact, often we're the envy of men everywhere…don't believe us? Brizzy Rubbish Removals are living the dream….

Brizzy Rubbish Removals lives the "fashion model" dream….

2 Brizzy employees, 100 perfect fashion models, all naked…..what a dream it is too! We were called in to take the lovely ladies away, all shop mannequins (unfortunately!) from the 17th floor of an inner city building. We attracted more than a few strange looks as we carried the girls across a busy square and down to our trucks – and the looks didn't stop as a Brizzy Rubbish Removals truck made its way through the city, full to the brim with various lady limbs.

Brizzy lives the "beer" dream….

If every man's dream is a beer fridge in front of the telly, then Brizzy got to live that dream 400 times over! We were called in to a luxury inner city hotel to take away 400 televisions and 400 bar fridges – men lined the streets to solute us as we passed!

Brizzy Rubbish Removals lives the "end to red tape" dream…

For anyone who has ever been driven insane by a government department or a rude call centre operator, this one is for you! We cut through the red tape, the carpet, desks, computers – in fact we busted up and hauled away an entire government department! Four floors of bureaucracy smashed up and binned by Brizzy Rubbish Removals! In true bureaucratic style, they'd already cut the power off – so even while we were taking it down from the inside - the government still kept us in the dark!

Brizzy Rubbish Removals lives the "moonshine" dream….

Whether you dreamed of being the bad ass detective or the criminal mastermind moonshine bootlegger (or maybe you just dream of lazing on a beach with your own still) Brizzy Rubbish Removals learned a thing or two about liquor when we took away a giant still after a suburban moonshine bust. We're not talking a little still under the kitchen sink either – this baby filled up a whole truck and was pumping out enough moonshine to keep all of Logan happy!

Living the "Satellite TV" dream…

If you dream of sitting on your backside, flicking through 900 glorious channels, delivered through one little satellite dish, Brizzy is about to blow your couch potato mind! Not one satellite dish – two big Brizzy Rubbish Removals truckloads collected from an industrial park! Tens of thousands of potential channels! Imagine it. All you need now is one of those beer fridge and TV combos and you'd be set!

At Brizzy Rubbish Removals, we're living the commercial rubbish removal dream. We're the masters of the tricky pick up so no matter how tight your space, how difficult your access or how strange the load, Brizzy Rubbish Removals is the dream team for the job.

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